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Spring Developer Update: New Features To Make You Even More Productive

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There may be something in the air. Something spring-related, maybe. But we’re on a roll!

Within several past weeks, we’ve worked hard to improve our platform. We’ve got a bunch of cool ideas that will be implemented over time (surprise, surprise). But most importantly, we’ve talked to people. On Product Hunt and on Reddit. In person. We’ve talked to freelancers and managers. And everything they said, we’ve taken seriously.

A lot of inspiring ideas appeared on our to-do list. But today, we’re going to tell you about things that are new. If you’ve been away from Taskeo, then we’re sure  you’re going to love this.

User Mentions

One of the most requested features we’ve introduced is the ability to mention users in the tasks description, checklist items and comments.

Thanks to that, everyone you @tag will receive additional notification that you’re talking about them.

Forget about “I’ve never seen that comment” happening again!

Switching from list to kanban

Not everybody likes kanban and we totally understand it. With the recent update, we added the option to switch from the horizontal kanban to a vertical list view.

This will be particularly useful if you’re mostly using Taskeo on a mobile device.

Project burndown chart

We’re particularly proud of this one and we hope you’re going to love it as much as we do!

Burndown chart is here to help you monitor the time and effort spend on tasks within a chosen project. The main goal behind this feature is to help you estimate the efficiency of your team.

Stage descriptions

We’ve made it possible for you to add stage descriptions. Its main goal is to up the clarity of your processes and make it easier for your people to understand the workflow.

Once you add a stage description, it will show right below the stage name in your kanban or list view.

Task templates

Last but not least – the task templates.

We all know the pain of recreating the same tasks. What’s more, you can’t always use our recurring tasks for this purpose. That’s why we introduced the tasks templates.

You can now easily create and save tasks as templates. Once you recreate a task from such template, Taskeo will automatically copy the description and checkpoints.

Watch our update video

If you want to hear more about the recent updates, check out the video below.

Don’t forget to log in your Taskeo account to test all these features!