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5 Reasons Why You Need To Track Your Task Time

Have you ever consider the benefits of tracking your task time?

Believe us when we tell you that it’s more than just knowing what to charge your clients for your team’s work.

In today’s tip, we’re showing you five good reasons for which you should be tracking your task time – even when you don’t use it for billing!

Plan better

Use time tracking to plan better! When you know how much time the task takes, you can make more accurate estimates and set reasonable deadlines, as well as delegate your assignments to the right people at the right time.

See who falls behind…

Thanks to time tracking, you can see whenever someone on your team has problems with a particular task type and assist them in solving their issues.

…and who excels

If you see that someone is capable of completing their tasks really efficiently, you can try to implement their tricks and strategies on the team level.

Spot problems

Understanding where your team keeps getting stuck in a workflow can give you valuable information on how you can improve.

Gain better awareness

Combining all the points above, you get a higher awareness of yourself and your team. Knowing your weaknesses and strengths will help you direct your efforts the right way.

Feel convinced yet? Start tracking time today!

Try it yourself – log into your Taskeo account (or create one for free) and get started with private projects today!