
time tracking


Have you ever consider the benefits of tracking your task time? Believe us when we tell you that it’s more than just knowing what to charge your clients for your team’s work. In today’s tip, we’re showing you five good reasons for which you should be tracking your task time – even when you don’t use it for billing! Plan better Use time tracking to plan better! When you know how much time the task…

There’s boiling heat out there but it doesn’t slow us down! This week, we’re coming to you with several really hot updates and features that you definitely should check out. New Features Time tracking moved to the task level with improved display From the version, time tracking happens on the level of a task (as opposed to checkpoints – the way it was previously). We’ve improved the clarity and made it easier to see…

What do you think about when hearing about “team productivity”? Pomodoro timers on your employees’ desks? Everyone using the Eisenhower Matrix on a regular basis? Or maybe you think that a good project management system is the only thing you need? There’s more to it. So much more. None of these fancy techniques won’t help if you don’t understand what team productivity is really about. And it’s a phenomenon a little more complicated than assigning…

When it comes to productivity tracking apps, the choice is overwhelming. If you’re looking for something to help you work more productively, you’ll quickly learn that different types of productivity apps offer a vast variety of benefits. It’s normal to feel confused by all the available solutions. That’s why we’re here today – to help you discover 5 types of productivity tracking apps that will help you work smarter and finish your day on time.…