


Chances are, you’re one of these people who don’t like saying no to anyone, especially your co-workers. Or at least, yo feel bad doing so. However, it’s likely that you’ve also already heard that it’s actually a good idea to refuse from time to time. This rule goes beyond that. A successful team says no collectively to quite a few things. As a group, you should refuse to do what hinders your success. Today we’re…

What do you think about when hearing about “team productivity”? Pomodoro timers on your employees’ desks? Everyone using the Eisenhower Matrix on a regular basis? Or maybe you think that a good project management system is the only thing you need? There’s more to it. So much more. None of these fancy techniques won’t help if you don’t understand what team productivity is really about. And it’s a phenomenon a little more complicated than assigning…

How many times did you hear from your team members “I didn’t get that task?”. It can be really frustrating to wait for someone to deliver, only to learn that they’ve never seen their assignment. If users don’t see their tasks, they can’t complete them, leaving the whole team hanging. But there’s an easy fix to that. In Taskeo, there are three useful features that you should be using. Thanks to them, you’ll always be…

How many times did your meetings go off topic? You wasted time discussing things you didn’t intend to discuss in first place. And you never reached any useful conclusions. Luckily, there’s an easy fix for it. Log into your Taskeo account and create a separate Booking project for your meeting planning.Invite all people that you want to take part in the meetingCreate a meeting task; set the dates and duration to reflect in your meeting…

When it comes to productivity tracking apps, the choice is overwhelming. If you’re looking for something to help you work more productively, you’ll quickly learn that different types of productivity apps offer a vast variety of benefits. It’s normal to feel confused by all the available solutions. That’s why we’re here today – to help you discover 5 types of productivity tracking apps that will help you work smarter and finish your day on time.…