Staying organized and productive at work isn’t just about sharing your tasks with your team. There’s so much more you can do if you try out Taskeo private projects! Check out these ideas to get you started in no time.
Personal tasks
Do you remember David Allen’s biggest productivity rule? Don’t rely on your head – store all your tasks in your trustworthy system.
Go ahead and list all your little tasks in Taskeo – from buying printer paper to ordering that coffee mug you wished for since a while!

Materials you’d like to keep
Are you a “save and forget” person? Don’t pile up those bookmarks. Everything you’ve found online can now be neatly organized in Taskeo – always right where you need it.

Calls and meetings
If you’re getting lost in the number of calls and meetings you’ve got to go through on a weekly basis, check out Taskeo booking feature and create your own private project of the booking type. Organize your meetings and calls just the way you want it – according to category or meeting place.
Read more: Organizing Your Calls and Meetings in Taskeo

Try it yourself – log into your Taskeo account (or create one for free) and get started with private projects today!